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Sonntag, 27.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001

A technology firm in Nevada has plans to bring a 'smart city' to reality

  • Blockchain LLC is planning to build cryptocurrency and blockchain-based futuristic city
  • The CEO of the firm is willing to create an innovation zone where users can start from scratch and bring new uses of their technologies
  • To allow the innovation zone to be built in Nevada, the State will have to give full authority to landowners

Weiterlesen: US: Nevada: Cryptocurrency magnate is aiming to build ‘smart city’

Boston Consulting Group, Common Sense Media and the Southern Education Foundation issued a report last month about the big picture of digital inequity in education, as well as potential solutions.

As many of the nation’s pupils close in on a year of virtual remote learning, public policy analysts are highlighting the scope of the digital divide and ways in which policymakers can close it.

Weiterlesen: US: It Will Cost Billions to Close Education's Digital Divide

A number of companies offer automated, robotic garages, although adoption, especially in the United States, has been limited thus far. That could change as cities become more populated, and greater emphasis is placed on increasing the efficiency and sustainability of transportation systems.

There is no doubt that robotics is playing an increasingly prominent role in modern life. It seems that every day more aspects of daily life become automated, yet some instances of automation still seem foreign to most of us. Robotic garages, for example, seem like something out of the future, yet they are already in use today.

Weiterlesen: US: The Future of Robotic Garages

A public/private partnership in Tucson, Ariz., is closing the digital divide by not only connecting more than 32,000 of the city’s 212,000 households without reliable internet access, but also powering up Tucson’s smart city strategy.

The city and Insight Enterprises are within weeks of completing Phase I of a municipal wireless broadband solution using the Citizen Broadband Radio Service network, a band of radio-frequency spectrum from 3.5 GHz to 3.7 GHz that the Federal Communications Commission has designated for incumbent, priority and general authorized access. Insight’s Cloud + Data Center Transformation team provides project management and long-term managed services over the single solution that combines technologies from multiple providers.

Weiterlesen: US: Arizona: Tucson’s community wireless bridges the digital divide

The US State of Nevada will reportedly be allowing tech giants to launch their own governments in order to collect taxes, establish school districts and courts as well, presumably in an attempt to attract more large firms.

The very first “smart city’ could be launched by 2022. There’s planned legislation that aims to introduce new business areas in Nevada which will allow tech companies to effectively establish independent local government units.

Weiterlesen: US: Nevada Plans to Allow Tech Giants to form their Own Governments to Collect Taxes, Offer Other...

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