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Insgesamt 39680477

Montag, 28.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001

Douglas County, Colo., is working to find better ways of sharing data both with the public and between government offices.

In Douglas County, Colo., an effort is underway, led by the elected county treasurer and assessor, to find better ways of sharing data both with the public and between government offices.

Weiterlesen: US: Colorado: How APIs Are Central to One County’s E-Government Revitalization

When it comes to data, the research suggests government is limited not by a lack of data, but by the process and tools it uses to examine it. Before data transformations can occur in government, researchers argue the institutions using it must embrace strategic change.

In 2011, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) helped usher in the era of big data with a comprehensive report on the state of data usage. The publication foresaw data as “the next frontier for innovation,” predicting that big data would drive competition and enhance productivity in the coming decade “as long as the right policies and enablers are in place.”

Weiterlesen: US: Report: Public Sector Must Embrace Change to Embrace Data's True Value

Shared services succeeds when local governments follow certain best practices and focus on the right technologies.

The lack of shared IT resources at the local level stems from several factors. Common roadblocks often center around concerns with liability, accountability and autonomy, according to a report written by Tim Hoefer and Michael Wright of the Empire Center, a think tank based in Albany, N.Y. The result is that local governments may be only willing to enter low-risk agreements, which likely will result in modest cost savings.

Weiterlesen: US: 3 Best Practices for Successful Shared IT Services Programs

From flood control in Texas, to wildlife protection in Florida to earthquake alerts in Los Angeles, the IoT is making connections in the public sector.

In the Internet of Things, the large, cutting-edge projects usually get the most attention.

In the public sector, headlines are dominated by infrastructure projects like sensors in roads that help manage traffic or smart meters used by utilities to save energy.

Weiterlesen: US: Practical Uses of the Internet of Things in Government Are Everywhere

For the last several years, people have been able to listen live over the internet whenever the Kansas House or Senate met in session. But starting in this month, they'll have even more access as committee rooms in the Kansas Statehouse go live with streaming audio.

But there are no immediate plans to begin streaming video, something that state officials say would be too costly.

Weiterlesen: US: Kansas: Legislature to start live audio streaming of committee hearings

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