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Sonntag, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Technology has permeated every fiber of society so much it relies on it on a regular basis. The same is true of how cities operate to meet the needs of its residents. This has given rise to what is called "smart cities."

What is a smart city?

As defined on Wikipedia, "A smart city is a technologically modern urban area that uses different types of electronic methods and sensors to collect specific data." This data is used to improve the city government's operations to make it more efficient in meeting the needs of its residents. This also ensures a better quality of government service and citizen welfare.

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Nine touch-screen kiosks from IKE Smart City can be found in Berkeley today. The company wants to roll out another 17 starting next year.

An advertising firm’s effort to install more of the touch-screen information kiosks that made their debut in downtown Berkeley last year is running into resistance from some residents.

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The urban population across the world is increasing at a rapid pace which has led to several challenges such as sanitation, traffic congestion, environmental imbalance, pollution, and others. Rapid urbanization has led to the migration of the rural population to urban areas which has led to the necessity of making the daily routine of the urban population convenient and comfortable. Thus, the need of incorporating IoT in smart cities has emerged which has shifted the attention of municipalities towards the use of technology in smart cities to enhance the lives of the urban population. These aspects have significantly contributed to the growth of IoT in smart cities market.

The optimal approach to the implementation of smart city solutions will enable a conducive environment for the urban populace. Furthermore, the traffic issues can be resolved easily and the safety of the public also can be ensured. These features of IoT in smart cities may augment market growth.

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The Da Nang People's Committee, on August 28, 2021, issued the Digital Transformation Project in the city until 2025, with a vision towards 2030. More recently, May 16, 2022 witnessed the municipal administration issue Decision No. 54/QD-BCDCDS regarding the Digital Transformation Office and the digital transformation is now dubbed as the "key" to open up a new urban development space.

Digital transformation is a never-ending journey

Addressing an international seminar themed ‘Smart cities: Experiences of some Western and Nordic countries, and Da Nang’s vision’ held on May 20 in the city, Standing Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Ho Ky Minh said that the smart city construction is a common trend of the world and it totally matches the city’s future orientations for the sake of sustainable and prosperous Da Nang.

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Collaborative studies in science and technology have the potential of easing the burden as well as producing more impressive results. That may not be more applicable than these days with countries being deeply impacted by the onslaught of the virus. The Philippines is partnering with a premier Australian institute to do joint research and upgrade its digital health system with the latest tools in ICT. According to the DOST, the new partnership with RMIT is for scientific cooperation.

The Philippines’ Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Australia have agreed to work together on digital health programs. This should provide needed results given that the collaboration is planning to use the latest emerging technology.

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