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Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

US: Vereinigte Staaten / United Staates

  • Paying for telemedicine in the United States

    "How do we get paid for telemedicine?" This is one of the most common questions I've heard over my past 20 years in the industry. Grants are fine for start-ups, but becoming self-sustaining and profitable requires an enduring stream of revenue. Fortunately, there are multiple funding sources. Even better, the streams are growing.

    Let's start by sorting out a few facts.

  • PE: Biometric passport required if US visa waiver succeeds

    Peru's recently-issued biometric passports will be also required for Peruvian citizens’ visa-free entry into the US, if a visa-waiver process consolidates, the Foreign Affairs Ministry affirmed.

    "It’s a great advantage to rely on the biometric passport nowadays [...]. This document will be used in case the American visa becomes exempted; that [requirement] is comprised in the process engaging the US," Ambassador Carlos Polo indicated.

  • Pen Pal Politicians Reach Voters

    Politicians are adding "pointing-and-clicking" to their usual shaking hands and kissing babies routine, as a Pew Internet Project finds that an overwhelming 88 percent of local elected officials use e-mail and the Internet in the course of their official duties, with 90 percent using e-mail in their official duties at least weekly and 61 percent using it daily.
  • Pentagon beruhigt bei Internet-Überwachung

    US-Unterstaatssekretär: "Nur ein experimenteller Prototyp"

    Nachdem ein Bericht der Washington Post zu einem Internet-Überwachungsprojekt des Pentagons einen Sturm der Entrüstung ausgelöst hat, versucht das US-Verteidigungsministerium in einer öffentlichen Stellungnahme zu beruhigen. Das "Total Information Awareness System" sei ein experimenteller Prototyp, "der die Machbarkeit untersuchen soll, große Mengen an Daten nach verdächtigen Mustern, die auf terroristische Tätigkeiten hindeuten, zu durchsuchen", erklärte der US-Unterstaatssekretär im Verteidigungsministerium Pete Aldrige. Das Projekt sei in keinem Fall ein Versuch zur totalen Überwachung.

  • Plans to build 5G-powered smart city in US progress

    JBG Smith will deploy an advanced digital infrastructure that aims to deliver seamless connectivity and fuel innovation and new business models in Industry 4.0.

    Mixed-use property developer JBG Smith has selected Fortress Solutions as a partner for end-to-end facilities management services for its fibre optics, edge data centre, and 5G infrastructure across National Landing in Washington DC, described as “the US’ first 5G smart city at scale”.

  • Post-Covid Cities Need To Be Smart Cities

    In the early months of the Covid pandemic, when so many of us shifted to working from home, there was considerable discussion around what this might mean for cities. For many years, the prevailing narrative was that cities were the engines of our economies, with the agglomeration effect bringing together talent and consumers to make cities extremely compelling environments for work, rest, and play.

    Concern propagated, however, that the very technologies that enabled us all to work from home would mean that we could, in theory, work from anywhere, which means we wouldn't need to be tied to cities in order to work for companies based there. Would small towns be turned into "Zoom towns", with cities hollowed-out shells of their former glory?

  • President Signs Legislation To Create Digital Government

    President Bush today signed legislation that promises funding for dozens of information technology programs designed to improve the public's online access to the federal government.
  • Probe finds U.S. e-health program lacks oversight

    Inspector general says physician and hospital self-reporting rule is ineffective

    Federal investigators Thursday released a report charging that the Medicare electronic medical records (EMR) program lacks effective fiscal oversight.

    The report, issued by the Inspector General's office of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), states that the Medicare EMR program may be paying incentives to health care providers and hospitals that do not fully meet the quality standards known as "meaningful use".

  • Program Lets Taxpayers File Free on Net

    New Program Lets Most Taxpayers Prepare and File Returns for Free on Internet This Season
  • Programm gegen Cyber-Terrorismus

    Im Auftrag des amerikanischen Verteidigungsministeriums soll die Carnegie Mellon Universität Mittel und Taktiken gegen Cyber-Terrorismus entwickeln.
  • PwC: Americans would use mobile devices to track, monitor health

    Three-in-10 Americans recently surveyed by PricewaterhouseCoopers' Health Research Institute said they would use their cell or smart phone to track and monitor their personal health, and 40% would be willing to pay for a remote monitoring device that sends health information directly to their doctor.

    The findings of the survey and new report, titled "Healthcare Unwired," were presented Wednesday by PricewaterhouseCoopers at the mHealth Initiative 2nd International mHealth Conference. According to the report, wireless technology, remote monitoring and mobile devices are changing the nature of health care, making it possible to deliver care anywhere in ways that are proving to reduce healthcare costs and keep people healthier.

  • Ratlosigkeit um nationales Funknetz für US-Rettungsdienste

    Neue Versteigerung des D-Blockes voraussichtlich Ende des Jahres 2008

    Während die meisten Blöcke in der Versteigerung der US-Mobilfunk-Lizenzen verkauft wurden, blieb die Regulierungsbehörde Federal Communications Commission (FCC) auf dem sogenannten D-Block sitzen. Auf dieser Frequenz sollte ein landesweites Funknetz für Polizei, Feuerwehr und andere Rettungsdienste eingerichtet werden.

  • Rege Netz-Beteiligung an der USA-Wahl

    Virtuelle Stimmabgabe und Wahl-Aufruf für Expatriats | Auch Nicht-US-Bürger nehmen Anteil an den USA-Wahlen am 2. November.

    An den Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA nehmen nicht nur die US-Amerikaner selbst regen Anteil - über TV und vor allem das Netz partizipiert auch der Rest der Welt an den Wahlen am 2. November.

  • Report shows failures at eight US agencies in following cyber-security protocols

    US Senate report finds appallingly bad cyber-security practices at eight US government agencies.

    A new report published by the US Senate yesterday reveals a decade-long string of failures on the part of eight government agencies, who failed to follow basic cyber-security protocols and exposed their networks and US citizens' most personal data to attackers.

    The report was ordered by US Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Tom Carper (D-DE), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

  • Report shows U.S. libraries provide free, critical internet services

    The American Library Association (ALA) has released a report of a national study regarding technology access in U.S. public libraries.

  • Resilient Smart Cities Need Surveillance Video Data

    COVID-19 introduced new uses cases (beyond safety and security) for video surveillance technologies employed in smart cities.

    COVID-19 taught us that cities have continuously played a critical role in the management and containment of crises. As noted in a report by Cities Today, the post-COVID road forward requires a change in municipal mindsets — from building “smart cities” to building “resilient cities.” As we begin to focus on what life could look like after a pandemic of this proportion, we’re taking our learnings on resiliency to better prepare ourselves and our communities for the future.

  • Reversing the Dumbing of America

    America is not just increasingly anti-intellectual, it's often just dumb. The rise of populism is, in part, an unwillingness to engage in the complexity of the society that we've created and mistrust of those attempting to do so. It is a rejection of science, a prideful naïveté, and a jingoistic belief in America's divine election. America has always had a populist streak and it fits remarkably well with an entrepreneurial streak and a Calvinist work ethic. Populism allowed America to be sloppy with resources, chauvinist with people, and capitalist Monday to Friday and fundamentalists on Sunday. Television didn't help. It asked little of us and made us sedentary physically and intellectually. T.V. probably cost America a few dozen IQ points over the last two generations.

  • Rising E-Health Services Boosting US Healthcare IT Market

    US E-healthcare market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of around 11% during the forecast period 2013-2017 says RNCOS in its latest research report.

    US healthcare IT market is witnessing significant growth from the past few years. The market is propelling on the back of rising number of E-health services in the country. The use of E-health services is increasing due to rising penetration of internet and broadband in the country. Further, the E-health market is performing on the back of rising adoption of market components, such as EHRs/EMRs, health information exchanges (HIE) and e-Prescription. In addition, the government is also talking various initiatives to develop the E - health market in the country. Besides, the e – health market will continue to grow in the coming years due to rising health concerns and increasing awareness among population. Therefore, considering the above factors, it is projected that the US E-healthcare market will grow at a CAGR of around 11% during the forecast period 2013-2017.

  • Roanoke named top 'digital city'

    Roanoke ranked No. 1, 2nd year running, for 'e-government' accomplishments

    One city official said Roanoke is committed to adopting innovative approaches to deliver municipal services. Roanoke named a top 'digital city'...again

  • Row Forms Over Federal E-Government Projects

    Congressional investigators say the Bush administration is light on project details. A White House official says best practices are being followed.
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