Heute 1547

Gestern 2175

Insgesamt 40005122

Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

TT: Trinidad und Tobago / Trinidad and Tobago

  • Seniors in Trinidad and Tobago to use biometric smart cards to access benefits

    Seniors in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago will soon be able to use their biometrics to access social benefits, subsequently reducing incidents of fraud and providing a more secure system for the vulnerable.

    Minister of the People and Social Development Dr. Glenn Ramadharsingh announced the launch as he said there have been several reports of the elderly being robbed of their pensions, as well as instances where their cheques were lost in the mail. The new system will see benefits deposited directly into recipient bank accounts.

  • Biometric smart cards for Trinidad and Tobago

    Senior citizens in Trinidad and Tobago are set to use fingerprint-based smart cards to access their pension payments.

    The scheme is part of the country’s ‘Direct Deposit’ initiative being launched by the Ministry of the People and Social Development.

    The biometric card scheme aims to allow senior citizens access to all their social benefits which should significantly reduce incidents of fraud, as well as provide a more secure system for the socially vulnerable.

  • Envisioning a path to T&T’s Digital Society

    In their 2020 election manifesto, the government of Trinidad & Tobago excited many with the thought of national innovation, by anchoring its 5-year strategic plan on the creation of a digital society. The movement towards national digitalisation has been inevitable since the explosion of the Internet in the latter half of the 90s. Early adopters, such as Estonia, have shown the world the realisable benefits of the approach.

    However, for Trinidad & Tobago, the movement is nothing short of a necessity. Within the last decade, national progress has stalled, and the last administration was forced to shift focus over to restoring economic stability after the ripple effects of the global recession of 2008/2009 eventually took their toll.

  • IDB supports hastened Trinidad & Tobago Public Service Reform

    Senior officials from the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) will meet with the Hon. Kennedy Swaratsingh, Minister of Public Administration to discuss new moves to improve Government delivery of services and other reforms.

    At a breakfast meeting on September 17, 2008 the IDB will affirm the provision of funding to support Government’s Public Service Transformation Agenda.

  • T&T to collaborate with Estonia on e-Government

    Possibilities for Government to collaborate with Estonia on the enhancement of T&T’s electronic-Government (e-Government) initiatives were discussed yesterday by Prime Minister Keith Rowley and Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid.

    The talks were part of bilateral discussions between both at yesterday’s Caricom 30th Inter-Sessional meeting in St Kitts. Estonia, formerly part of the Soviet Union, is located in Northern Europe. It includes more than 1,500 islands.

  • T&T’s digitisation gains momentum

    Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley believes the new Ministry of Digital Transformation and a drive towards technology will create new opportunities for businesses. He spoke about the importance of using technology to transform the public service and the economy in an interview last Thursday on Brighter Morning with Bhoe Live, hosted by Dr Bhoe Tewarie on MultiCultural Television (MCTV) and U97.5FM.

    Days earlier, Dr Rowley had announced the creation of a dedicated Ministry of Digital Transformation—a portfolio previously part of a ministry that also included Public Administration—and put Hassel Bacchus at the helm.

  • Trinidad & Tobago: Coming soon, e-health card

    One patient, one record, anywhere, any time, is the vision the Health Ministry plans to make reality with the e-health card which will utilise information technology to allow patients easy access to their medical records.

    Health Minister Jerry Narace spoke about the e-card at the forum “Innovative Solutions to Healthcare” aboard the Serenade of the Seas where the Commonwealth Business Forum continued yesterday. Improvements in health quality, patient safety, reduction in health costs and informed decision making are the expected benefits.

  • Trinidad & Tobago: E-card tracks doctor visits

    The ministry said the e-card was one feature of the system being introduced but an exact costing could not be provided.

    A pilot programme for the e-card will take place at the Siparia Health Centre, St Joseph Morvant Centre, Caanan, St James DHF and other facilities.

    The ministry says the National Health Services Plan, of which the e-card will be part, will be ready within three years.

  • Trinidad & Tobago: E-Government goes mobile

    The vision of a democratic society in which government and citizens can create, share, access, be informed and empowered by a an open Web of data and services is materialising daily. In the ongoing efforts to enhance online resources and information, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago will soon kick-start two new programmes to continue to promote productivity among public servants, as well as encourage and engage participation of citizens. “Apart from the many other key initiatives to serve the people, citizens in rural areas of Trinidad and Tobago will soon be able access more government information and services though TTConnect express. Mobile units will visit rural communities offering residents information and services - from applying for their birth papers, or a home, to even finding information on scholarships. Similarly, this same information and services would shortly be made available using mobile phones," says Cleveland Thomas, Chief Executive Officer of National ICT Limited (iGovTT).

  • Trinidad & Tobago: E-Health Card by end of next year—Narac

    Trinidad & Tobago’s public healthcare system will go hi-tech by late next year with the launch of the E-Health Card. According to Health Minister Jerry Narace, the card would be made available to the public by the third of fourth quarter of next year and by 2012, every citizen should have the card. He said the project was listed at the top of the ministry’s agenda for next year. The electronic card, Narace noted, would make it easier for citizens to better access healthcare abroad and would also provide access to online medical records, appointment scheduling and local and international test records.

    The card would also monitor the Chronic Disease Assistance Programme (CDAP), he said. “The project will start on a pilot basis in March and then it will be rolled out to the entire country by the third or fourth quarter of next year,” Narace said, during a telephone interview yesterday. “This is intended to be the first real major transformation tool in healthcare,” he added.

  • Trinidad & Tobago: E-Health to get CHOGM computers

    Four hundred computers being used for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting will go towards Government’s investment into E-Health.

    This according to Minister of Health, Jerry Narace as he spoke about government’s $70 million investment into the e-health initiative scheduled to commence in 2012.

  • Trinidad & Tobago: Forum to address broadband connectivity for small island states

    A major initiative taken by the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) in conjunction with the government of Trinidad & Tobago is to address the requirement for national broadband connectivity for small island states throughout the Caribbean.

    The upcoming forum to take place on 19 to 20 Nov., aims to discuss the need for a public private peoples partnership approach to ensure that the right frameworks and incentives are put in place to achieve affordable broadband connectivity in the Caribbean island states.

  • Trinidad & Tobago: Government puts land documents online

    Government has made all documents lodged at the Land Registry available online “24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days of the year. Legal and Consumer Affairs Minister Peter Taylor made this announcement in a statement in the House of Representatives last Friday.

    In keeping with the tenets of Government’s Vision 2020 operational plan, Taylor said: “The Government of Trinidad and Tobago is focused on creating a public sector in which the ‘delivery of predictable, world class and technologically savvy services to our people’ is the norm rather than the exception.” Public institutions must be high performance professional entities effectively and efficiently meeting the needs of all their clients.”

  • Trinidad & Tobago: One stop shop brands ttconnect

    As Government ramps up its e-services through the one-stop shop concept, it is looking at setting up self-serve kiosks to provide an automated service option that is both cost effective and timely, according to Kennedy Swaratsingh, Public Administration Minister.

    “You will soon be able to choose their preferred mode of access - where they want it, how they want it, and when they want it as each channel becomes operational,” he said in an address at the official launch of the ttconnect suite of services at the Chaguanas Service Centre.

  • Trinidad and Tobago to draft legislation for e-payments

    New e-payment legislation that will allow Trinidad and Tobago citizens to pay online for government services and facilitate electronic payments in general, will be laid in Parliament by the end of the year, Public Administration Minister Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan has said. While delivering the keynote address at an event of the Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of Services Industries (TTCSI) at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad in Port of Spain last Tuesday (October 30, 2012), the minister said: "Integrated services are easier to access and use, and they are far more efficient to deliver. We can now integrate existing services and even build-in the capacity to incorporate future services using the available and emerging technologies that drive e-Governance mechanisms."

  • Trinidad Shares ICT Experiences with Zimbabwe

    Congress WBN To Host Technology and Leadership Forum in Africa

    A multi-sectoral delegation from Trinidad and Tobago will this week travel to East Africa to share technology development experiences with counterparts at an international conference in Harare, Zimbabwe.

    The TT delegation includes Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Public Administration, Ms Arlene McComie; CEO of the Trinidad & Tobago ICT Company, Mr. Cleveland Thomas; Managing Director of Teleios Systems and Deputy Chairman of the e-Business Round Table, Mr. Ronald Hinds; and Secretary General of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union, Ms. Bernadette Lewis.

  • Trinidad&Tobago: Govt ministries to go online

    The Government is moving online. And according to the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Edwina Leacock, the plan is to simplify access and delivery of public services by developing an e-Government portal.

    Speaking earlier this week on behalf of Minister Ken Valley, at the launch of the newly redesigned Business Development Company's (BDC) website, Leacock said that all Ministries are taking steps to be e-connected.

  • TT: Arima eyes digital transformation, city status as borough turns 133

    With just under one year at the helm, Arima mayor Cagney Casimire said his community has an opportunity to "adopt and adapt," and "pivot with optimism, as it seeks to embrace the digital age."

    The Borough of Arima celebrated its 133rd anniversary on Thursday.

    Casimire, in a message to Arima burgesses, said he "takes great pride in the borough (and describes) our space as quaint and idyllic.

  • TT: Arima's 'smart city' initiative first in Caribbean

    Julian Belgrave, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) country representative, has said the Connected Arima initiative is the first of its kind in the West Indies and possibly Central America. He said there was interest in replicating the initiative in other Caribbean countries.

    Belgrave was addressing over 50 Arima businessmen at a consultation with the Arima local economic development unit and the office of the MP, Pennelope Beckles-Robinson, the Arima Borough Corporation and the IDB.

  • TT: Bacchus: Digital transformation is about people

    Transformation is about people, and in his role as the new Minister in the Ministry of Public Administration and Digital Transformation, Hassel Bacchus said one of his focuses will be the impact of technology on citizens.

    “This (digital) transformation is not entirely new. There have been (previous) announcements on thrusts and implementation both from government to government, government to business and government to citizens.

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