Heute 117

Gestern 1175

Insgesamt 40008354

Sonntag, 16.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

TH: Thailand

  • Thailand: E-GOVERNMENT: More services to be offered online

    Bang Rak post office to have 10 different services

    People will soon be able to access more official services from post offices in line with the government's one-stop service policy.

    Khunying Dhipavadee Meksawan, permanent secretary of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Ministry, said yesterday that on January 9, Thailand Post Co's head office in the Bang Rak area would begin providing 10 services from different state agencies as part of a pilot project.

  • Thailand: E-Passports ready for Boarding

    Trial of electronic passports among the general public will kick off today

    The Consular Affairs Department will today begin pilot testing electronic passports (e-passports) with the general public after commencing a similar test project with government officers on May 26.

    The department expects to issue 500 e-passports to government officers and another 500 to general citizens before the launch of the e-passports in August.

  • Thailand: E-procurement firm aims to be in top five

    Industry expected to consolidate by 2009

    Pantavanij Co, Thailand's first and largest e-procurement company, has set its sights on being one of the top five players over the next three years particularly through partnerships in the region. ''The world's electronic procurement market is consolidating,'' said Tri Kanchanadul, chief executive officer of Pantavanij Co. ''We expect the number of e-procurement players to fall to about five over the next three years due to mergers and acquisitions from 20 now.''

  • Thailand: Electronic government gets set standards

    NEAT-G project to set interoperability standards on application software for electronic government

    To accelerate the development of electronic government, the Office of Computer Clustering Programme (CCP) under the National Science and Technology Development Agency has initiated a project called New Enhanced Application Tools for e-Government (NEAT-G) to set interoperability standards for application software for electronic government.

  • Thailand: Getting ready for e-government

    Although the Electronic Transaction Act has been in effect in Thailand since 2001, the country's progress in e-government lags behind that of our neighbours. Part of the problem stems from the limitation imposed under Article 35 of the act, which prohibits the government from undertaking electronic transactions until a royal decree governing them takes effect. The need to contain the use of electronic transactions at that time was mainly due to concern that government units might not be ready for entirely paperless transactions.
  • Thailand: Govt bid to push e-commerce

    The government is planning to enact four pieces of sub-legislation under the Electronic Transaction Act (ETA) to stimulate e-commerce and to support its e-government initiative.

    Information and Communication Technology Minister Surapong Suebwonglee, as president of the E-Commerce Committee, said that in accordance with the act, the government must enact sub-legislation to define it in detail.

  • Thailand: Govt services for e-citizens

    Over 10 e-services on the government's website will make life easier for busy people.

    Registering businesses and paying taxes as well as utility bills can now be processed at www.ecitizen.go.th.

    First-time users can log on with their 13-digit ID number, then the system will generate a username and password, which can be changed at any time by users.

  • Thailand: Hi-tech health plan without a framework?

    Concern for basics as ministry rolls out Bt3bn project

    Even though technology has been deployed in Thailand's healthcare industry for three decades, and despite the current government's ambitious policy to turn the country into a healthcare hub in Southeast Asia, the country has never had a strategy or a policy for establishing a solid national electronic healthcare (e-health) system. The Nation's Asina Pornwasin reports.

    To make Thailand into a country where people can expect equality in receiving high-quality health and medical services no matter where they seek them, the country needs a distinguished national e-health policy as a framework for its investment in healthcare technology.

  • Thailand: ICT Ministry's goals: Five-year e-government road map

    'Completely electronic government' objective by 2015

    The Information and Communications Technology Ministry plans to launch an E-Government Road Map, as a framework for e-government developments over the five years from 2010 to 2014.

    Deputy Permanent Secretary Angsumal Sumalai said a draft of the road map would be submitted to the Cabinet early next month for approval before being sent to all government agencies.

  • Thailand: Internet should be made `public service'

    A Democrat executive yesterday urged the government to turn Internet and telephone services into public services as part of the country's information technology reform.
  • Thailand: Local developers invited to join government projects

    The Office of Computer Cluster Promotion (CCP) has been working with Thailand Science Park, the Software Industry Promotion Agency (Sipa) and Software Park Thailand to establish a project called the Open Development of e-Government Collaboration to allow local software-developers to participate in electronic-government development projects.

    CCP's director Smith Suksmith said the project would allow software-developers to join in the electronic-government cluster software-development project, which requires expertise in three areas, ie Web application, Web portal and business intelligence.

  • Thailand: Minister justifies decentralised approach

    Cards to be printed at 1,077 locations

    Thailand will make a historic step when the government begins issuing the first national smart ID cards at 1,077 offices this April when it will take a distributed approach to card production, a move that has been criticised by Gartner Inc., the company invited to offer advice on the mega-project.

  • Thailand: Nationwide GIS on the way

    The country will get its first nationwide geographic information system (GIS) by the end of the year, which will provide a detailed digital map of the country's resources and allow for better management across government agencies.

    Previously various government departments had their own GIS systems that were largely incompatible.

    The national project was initiated by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra as part of plans for e-government and for better management of natural resources.

  • Thailand: Nectec harnesses IT for good health

    Plans for information system, check-up kiosks, wearable devices

    The National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec) is stepping up its development of knowledge bases and intelligent tools to support its Healthy Thailand project, which is expected to be complete in 2018.

    The aim of the project is to increase the awareness and monitoring of personal health issues and to generally improve the quality of life for Thai people on the basis of smart health and smart living.

  • Thailand: Nectec plan to give big boost to ict industry

    Agency aims to increase the sector's GDP contribution to 20 per cent

    The development of information and communication technology in Thailand in the next five years will help the country become "Smart Thailand" equipped with "Smart People" and a "Smart Government".

    This is the goal of the country's second ICT master plan - for 2009 to 2013 - drafted by the National Electronic and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec).

  • Thailand: Nectec set to make smart cards, seeks B770m loan

    Production costs half of imported versions

    After years of e-government initiatives and promises, the National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec) says it is ready to make chip-based smart cards.

  • Thailand: Patent applications to go digital

    Department hopes to slash time taken for approval

    The Intellectual Property Department is planning to develop an e-Patent system, allowing individuals and companies to apply for patent protection or access information on intellectual property rights via the Internet.

    The director of the department's Patent Office, Seksant Boonsuwan said the e-Patent system would help the department keep documents on patents and petty patents in document image processing and image data entry form, and on digital files, so that it could provide e-services to the public and speed up access to information.

  • Thailand: Patients better served

    By the end of this year Samitivej Hospital will be using automatic voice response (AVR) and radio frequency identification (RFID) systems to enhance the quality of services for patients.

    Raymond Chong, managing director and chief executive officer of the hospital, said the hospital would utilise AVR technology to send automatic voice messages to ODP patients over their mobile phones to advise them on the status of their appointments.

  • Thailand: Pay Your Taxes Online

    One of the most prominent electronic services provided by the government is the Revenue Department's "e-revenue" offering, which includes information services, electronic tax filing and payment, e-registration, and tax assessment.

    To support the e-government initiative, the department recently upgraded its computer system to adopt global standards that allow for the interchange of information with other countries, while also focusing on providing service to citizens nationwide, according to Chantima Sirisaengtaksin, an IT consultant for the Revenue Department (RD).

  • Thailand: Phuket is first 'One Stop Service City'

    Residents can get information online

    In a step closer to realising 'e-government', Phuket has emerged as the country's first 'One Stop Service City' where people can get access to government services via the Internet. After two years of development, the 'one click, finish all' project was launched on Friday by caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Suchai Charoenratanakul, who is now in charge of the Information and Communication Technology Ministry.

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