Heute 1541

Gestern 2175

Insgesamt 40005116

Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

SPC: Pazifische Gemeinschaft / Pacific Community

  • Pacific Community: Agriculture leaders told to embrace ‘e-agriculture’

    Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services (HOAFS) were encouraged to embrace information and communications technology (ICT) and ‘e-agriculture’ in delivering products and services to stakeholders involved in the sector during the 4th HOAFS meeting in Nadi, Fiji Islands recently.

    E-agriculture is the use of ICT to deliver services to the stakeholders of the agriculture sector.

    It is one of the key initiatives of the Framework for Action on ICT for Development in the Pacific (FAIDP), together with e-government, e-health and e-education.

  • Recognising the potential of ICT in the Pacific

    Information and communication technology (ICT) is internationally recognised as a key tool for sustainable development. It is therefore essential that the full potential of ICT is harnessed for the benefit of all Pacific people and in particular for the marginalised or disadvantaged groups.

    The Pacific faces numerous challenges including lack of economy of scale, poor infrastructure, widely dispersed population, lack of capacity and weak policy and legislative frameworks.

  • SPC: Pacific Islands Will Benefit From ICT

    "Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can significantly benefit Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs),” said Siaosi Sovaleni, Manager of the Pacific ICT Outreach (PICTO) Programme at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC).

    “While the Programme is promoting awareness of the risks associated with ICT and the safety of users and the information they share, it also recognises the huge potential in the use of ICT to support national development,” he said.

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