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Dienstag, 11.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

Public Private Partnership

  • Public-private tensions in smart city collaboration

    Private startups can help governments alleviate the pressures of urbanisation and improve the quality of city life, but partnerships between the two sectors are not always straightforward

    The rise of smart cities is providing unprecedented opportunities for mutually beneficial public-private partnerships to provide new business opportunities, cost efficiencies, and greater access to specialist skills and expertise.

  • Public-Private-Partnership: Herkules kann noch nicht laufen

    "IT-Stab" mit "IT-Direktor", das "IT-Amt" der Bundeswehr und der "Gründungsstab IT-Gesellschaft" stehen bereit: Herkules, die Public-Private-Partnership zwischen Bund und Industrie für die Bundeswehr, steckt aber immer noch in den Vertragsverhandlungen fest. Absurde Forderungen der Ministerialbürokratie und die Komplexität des Auftrags erschweren das Zusammenkommen der Partner. Und nach den Verhandlungen muss das gesamte Paket noch durch Haushalts- und Verteidigungsausschuss sowie durch den Deutschen Bundestag. Ein Fall für Zeitgenossen mit eisernem Nervenkostüm.
  • Schweiz: Strafregister-Auszug neu am Postschalter erhältlich

    Wer einen Strafregister-Auszug braucht, muss nicht mehr aufs Internet gehen oder bei den Gemeindebehörden anstehen. Er kann das Dokument in allen 2000 ans Internet angeschlossenen Poststellen bestellen. Kostenpunkt: 20 Franken.

    Justizministerin Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf und Postchef Ulrich Gygi orientierten am Montag in Bern über die neue Dienstleistung des Bundesamt für Justiz (BJ) und der Post. Das BJ rechnet dieses Jahr mit 325 000 Gesuchen um einen Strafregister-Auszug. Das sei Ausdruck eines erhöhten Sicherheitsbedürfnisses.

  • Sweden: Nordic Bank To Distribute Smart Card Readers For Web Banking, E-Government

    Not all banks are shying away from smart card readers that connect to their customers’ PCs.

    Sweden-based Nordea Bank intends to begin distributing smart card readers to up to 1.1 million customers in the fall, Ingemar Borelius, head of the bank's Swedish Internet-banking service, told Card Technology’s sister publication CardLine Global Edition. According to Borelius, the new devices, which include PIN pads, will take over for a less-advanced reader used by about 40,000 of the bank’s customers. Both types of readers are made Sweden's Todos Data System.

  • TZ: Focus on private sector: Making ICT partnerships work

    Tanzania's science minister, Makame Mbarawa, has recently called on the public and private sectors in Rift Valley nations to collaborate on information and communications technology (ICT), highlighting examples of how such partnerships have benefited his country's development.

    But what do these public-private partnerships (PPPs) look like in practice? I put this question to Laura Hosman, assistant professor of political science at the Illinois Institute of Technology, United States, who specialises in ICT for development (ICT4D) and such partnerships.

  • TZ: Need for partnership in promoting ICT in education

    It is widely known that provision of education, especially basic education is entirely the responsibility of the government.

    However, governments are increasingly burdened with increasing demand of education services matched with increased enrolment, especially at primary and secondary education levels.

    The governments therefore take initiatives to involve the private sector in supporting the education development.

  • UAE: Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority , Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry sign MoU

    The Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ADCCI) to facilitate the online completion of formalities for the issuance of new and renewal of existing licenses for the tourism-related activities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

    The unique facility of its kind is expected to become operational in a month's time and will eliminate the need of personal visits to both the offices by the license-holders or their representatives to get the work done.

  • UAE: Emcredit highlights role of public-private partnerships in boosting transparency

    Emcredit, the UAE's first private credit information company, today called for greater cooperation from private and public sector entities in addressing financial risk and adopting international standards and data-sharing processes in order to boost transparency in the country.

    A senior official of the company highlighted that information-driven tools are crucial for the long-term growth of the UAE, in particular for the financial and real estate sectors.

  • UK: Bertelsmann-Tochter für Steuererhebung und IT-Sektor in Ostengland verantwortlich

    Die Gütersloher Arvato AG hat im Oktober zahlreiche Verwaltungsprozesse bis hin zur Berechnung von Steuern und zum Zahlungseinzug sowie den IT-Sektor des "East Riding"-Kreises in Yorkshire im Rahmen einer Public Private Partnership (PPP) übernommen. "Wir sind in einige ganz klar hoheitlich definierte Bereiche vorgedrungen", erklärte Christoph Baron, Leiter Government Services bei der Bertelsmann-Tochter, am heutigen Donnerstag auf dem Forum "Public Sector" des Branchenverbands Bitkom in Berlin. Dabei werde aber etwa mit der Prüfung von Widersprüchen gegen Steuerbescheide kontrolliert, "ob die bisherige Qualität gehalten wurde". Darüber hinaus kümmere sich das zunächst auf acht Jahre angelegte Joint Venture mit der Kreisverwaltung etwa um die Auszahlungen zu Hilfen von Lebensunterhalt, betreibe Bürgerbüros und verantworte den kompletten Betrieb und die Beschaffung der Informationstechnik.
  • UK: Public-Private Partnerships may not always be best solution

    Public-private partnerships for the provision of public service infrastructure have seen massive growth. Research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) confirms the potential benefits of partnerships, but also identifies circumstances under which more traditional forms of procurement are preferable.
  • UK: Report bemoans poor partnerships

    Too many so called 'partnerships' between councils and the private sector fail to live up to the label, according to a new report

    The assertion has been made by the Society of IT Management (Socitm) and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (Cipfa) in a report published on 11 April 2005. Titled A marriage of convenience? A review of experiences from partnerships and outsourcing contracts, it is based on a survey of 26 local authorities that have been involved in outsourcing.

  • US: California: Las Vegas Fusion Center Is a Model for Public-Private Collaboration

    Each year more than 30 million people are drawn to Nevada by Las Vegas’ luster. The self-proclaimed “Entertainment Capital of the World” is home to 18 of the world’s 25 largest hotels, and more than 19,000 conventions were held in the city in 2009. Las Vegas is without question a terrorist target. Beyond the cop on the street, there’s an effective, underlying layer of security that may be unprecedented, and it starts with the fusion center, the Southern Nevada Counter-Terrorism Center (SNCTC), an all-hazards, 24/7 model for public-private collaboration.

    In an unassuming building near McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, 14 different agencies from federal, state and local government work together toward one goal: to keep residents and tourists safe. One of three fusion centers in the state, the SNCTC stands out because it’s an all-hours operation that focuses not only on terrorism, but also on all crimes and hazards.

  • US: Improving Infrastructure Through Public-Private Partnerships — a Growing Trend

    More governments look to private partnership as new responsibilities mount.

    Public-private partnerships are now an option to more than half the states in the nation. And as governments find themselves responsible for a growing range of project areas, like broadband, the benefit of increased resources for projects that might not happen otherwise, like broadband, is pushing the trend forward.

  • US: The New Faces of Public-Private Collaboration

    A wave of government-focused technology startups are changing the way governments serve their citizens

    Local government partnerships with the business community are often perceived as deals and contracts with large, established corporations. Yet as startup scenes flourish in cities across the U.S., these partnerships are increasingly bringing together local governments and small, emerging startups in the civic innovation space. The result is a win for both sectors: cities are exposed to nimble technologies and creative ideas, and young companies get an opportunity to test and refine their products while serving the public interest.

  • USA: ''Partnering with government ‘key to the kingdom’''

    Acting in partnership with government customers “is the key to the kingdom,” a Lockheed Martin Corp. executive told information technology industry executives today at the IRMCO conference in Cambridge, Md.

    Government information technology has changed more in the last 10 years than in the previous 30, said Linda Gooden, president of Lockheed Martin Information Technology.

  • VN: PPP cooperation helps speed up digital transformation

    The Public-Private Partnership cooperation is seen as an effective measure to speed up digital transformation and green growth in businesses and localities, said insiders.

    The Dien dan doanh nghiep (Business Forum) newspaper cited the success story in digital transformation of the central province of Thua Thien – Hue as an outstanding example of the effective connection between businesses and authorities.

  • ZA: MTN: Now is time for greater public-private sector collaboration

    This week Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan highlighted, during the Budget Speech, that partnership between government and businesses is a central priority of the National Development Plan (NDP) and key to rapid development for economic growth.

    MTN Business welcomes the budget speech and the recent call by the president for the public and private sectors to work together by mobilising the resources and capacity for quality delivery of services.

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