Heute 184

Gestern 946

Insgesamt 39524326

Sonntag, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

NZ: Neuseeland / New Zealand

  • New Zealand: LINZ nears 100% business online

    Release 2.10 is the second of several major updates coming up over the next 12 months, says LINZ

    Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) will roll out the second major update of its Landonline system on October 8.

    “Release 2.10 is the second of several major updates coming up over the next 12 months, primarily to deliver the functionality to enable 100% e-lodgement of title transactions,” says Katrina Jacobsen, manager customers. “These releases are also the main way LINZ will deliver system maintenance and enhancements.”

  • New Zealand: Making government information more accessible

    Making government information more accessible

    State Services Minister Trevor Mallard welcomed the announcement today that more local government services will be available on-line.

    An agreement has been reached by Local Government New Zealand and the State Services Commission's E-government Unit to support the government web portal www.govt.nz with local government information.

  • New Zealand: Mallard backs one-for-all ID system

    State Services Minister Trevor Mallard has thrown his weight behind a single all-of-government system for authenticating the identity of people who access government services online.
  • New Zealand: Mallard Speech: E-government delivering services

    Trevor Mallard Speech to the Public Service Senior Management Conference, Town Hall, Wellington.
  • New Zealand: Mallard's ID view 'no worry'

    The E-government unit of the State Services Commission says it is unconcerned that State Services Minister Trevor Mallard has pre-empted its report on how to implement online passwords for Government services.
  • New Zealand: Microsoft doing e-census study

    Microsoft will conduct a free study for Statistics New Zealand, showing how its technology could be used to let people fill in census forms online in 2006.

    The department put out a tender earlier this month for computer companies interested in developing and supporting an e-census system.

  • New Zealand: Mobile broadband subscriptions grow by 53 percent

    New Zealand fixed line broadband grows ahead of OECD average

    Broadband adoption in New Zealand is continuing to grow strongly, with mobile and wireless connections standing out in analyst Paul Budde's latest market analysis.

    Over a 15-month period, from March 2008 to June 2009, the number of subscribers with cellular, cable or satellite connections climbed by 53 percent, Budde says, to total 220,000.

    Fixed line broadband grew by 14 percent in 2009, above the OECD average.

  • New Zealand: Moving high value government transactions online

    Moving high value government transactions online

    The ability for government agencies to move high value transactions online has moved a step closer today with the Government providing $9 million in capital funding for the Identity Verification Service (IVS), says State Services Minister Annette King.

    The investment over 2007/08 and 2008/09, together with approximately $1 million in operating costs for 2007/08 to come from reprioritisation within existing State Services Commission e-government funding, will provide a more secure yet simple online environment for delivering government services to the public using the highest level of confidence for establishing an individual's identity.

  • New Zealand: MSD eyes up telephony edge modernisation in RFI

    Late last year the Ministry of Social Development issued an RFI for telecommunications services beyond current supply arrangements, which conclude June 30 this year.

    The comprehensive RFI is far-reaching and services-rich, requesting information embracing many of the new advanced unified communications services coming to market, including; mobile VoIP via WLAN services, one number converged IP telephony, one mailbox, 3G roaming, mobile extension, PDA synchronisation, call centre virtualisation, presence, videoconferencing and SMS applications to name just a few.

  • New Zealand: National Health IT Board calls for greater funding

    National health IT five-year plan released

    A greater level of district health board funding, supported by national funding, has been called for by the National Health IT Board to pay for proposed health information solutions.

    In the 2008/09 financial year the DHBs combined investment in IT projects was $60 million, with the cost of operating and maintaining health IT systems coming in at $170 million.

  • New Zealand: Nerves jangle as census goes online

    Statistics New Zealand plans to offer an internet lodgement option in the 2006 census and government statistician Brian Pink admits he’s nervous at the prospect.

    “It could be a bloody disaster,” Pink told an audience at the government IT managers (GOVIS) conference in Wellington last week.

  • New Zealand: New approach to ICT for government

    Internal Affairs Minister Nathan Guy has announced a major new framework for the government’s use of information and communications technology (ICT) today.

    “Directions and Priorities for Government ICT sets the policy direction for the government’s use of ICT and requires Ministers, chief executives and officials to work together to better manage this investment.

    “ICT is a $2 billion spend for the government and any savings or efficiencies this move creates will make a real difference down the track.

  • New Zealand: New business website 'useful, but lower taxes would be better'

    "It's nice, but if they cut our taxes that would help us more" - was how one North Shore business owner summed up the Government's new business website yesterday.

    Officially launched today, www.biz.org.nz aims to provide all the information businesses are likely to need on a wide range of compliance regulations.

  • New Zealand: New Governor-General website goes live

    The Governor-General of New Zealand has a new website that allows browsers to take a video tour of Government House Wellington prior to its closure.

    The website (www.gg.govt.nz), which has a fresh modern look, also includes new image galleries and allows readers to subscribe to new content through the use of an RSS feed. Significant resources for the media—speeches, press releases, lists of engagements and downloadable photographs—are also available.

  • New Zealand: New record keeping standards announced

    Archives Minister Judith Tizard announced two new recordkeeping standards today, the Create and Maintain Recordkeeping Standard and the Electronic Recordkeeping Metadata Standard.

    "Information management is an essential and important legacy," said Judith Tizard when launching the two new recordkeeping standards for government and local government agencies.

  • New Zealand: New version of government’s Digital Strategy to better reflect e-government plans

    Research, technological and social changes to be taken into account

    The government is set to produce a new version of its Digital Strategy by mid-year, with the help of a $125,000 contract with Wellington’s Horizon Consulting Services.

    The new version will re-examine the document produced in 2003 taking into account technological and social changes and research and experience in the past two-and-a-half years, says Laurence Miller, deputy state services commissioner in charge of the ICT branch (formerly the e-government unit).

  • New Zealand: Next e-govt step: CRM for the people

    Much infrastructure there but more integration between govt agencies needed

    The next major challenge for e-government in New Zealand is to focus on the needs of the customer rather than government agencies, says new e-government unit head Laurence Millar.

  • New Zealand: No health IT strategy, or too much? Take your pick

    Health IT found to be septic

    Health IT strategy got a check-up in Auckland last week and was found to be more than a little septic.

    Speaking at the Health Informatics NZ (HINZ) seminar in Auckland last week, Hutt Valley District Health Board chief executive Chai Chuah said the sector was riddled with policies and strategies, many of which were just words without any substance.

  • New Zealand: North Shore City streamlines consent process

    North Shore City is now certifying all survey plans electronically, as part of its drive to streamline the resource consent process and support e-government initiatives.

    A survey plan, which is prepared by a registered surveyor, is required as part of the resource consent process for a new subdivision. The plan is a legal document showing the new boundaries of the site.

  • New Zealand: O'Connor: Delivery of rural broadband stepped up

    The government’s commitment of $75 million for rural projects aimed at extending the reach of broadband is great news for people living in remote areas of New Zealand, Rural Affairs Minister Damien O’Connor said today.

    The funding is part of the government’s wider contestable Broadband Investment Fund of $340 million. Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe announced that applications for the funding opened today.

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