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Montag, 17.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Infrastruktur / Infrastructure

  • USA: Cybersecurity Regulations Pass House

    A House bill would create a federal cybersecurity director and add new cybersecurity requirements, but must be reconciled with the Senate bill, which doesn't have these provisions.

    The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would update the federal government's cybersecurity requirements and create a permanent cybersecurity office within the White House, putting some long-sought reforms closer to passage.

    The reforms were passed as an amendment offered by Rep. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.) and Dianne Watson (D-Calif.) that made its way into the annual defense spending bill, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011. The defense authorization bill passed the House on Friday by a 229-186 vote.

  • USA: Idaho connects to the national high-performance computer network

    With a flick of a switch, Idaho Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter launched the Idaho Regional Optical Network (IRON) GigaPoP connection in Boise Oct. 9. This GigaPoP is Idaho's connection to the nation's ultra high-speed research computer network -- the National Lambda Rail.

    IRON connects state government, research institutions, education and health care facilities across Idaho. More importantly, it enables Idaho researchers to collaborate on regional, national and international research projects by providing the foundation to link Idaho to Internet2 and the National Lambda Rail. These are the high-speed national computer network infrastructures that run over fiber-optic lines connecting the United States from coast to coast and internationally including Europe, Asia, Central and South America.

  • USA: Pacific Northwest Counties Collaborated to Create Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan

    The nightmare scenario of a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and its potential to cause a tsunami is one threat among many that motivate emergency managers who live and work in the Pacific Northwest to continue planning and coordinating. The region’s proximity to the danger-filled Cascadia Subduction Zone — a fault that stretches from Northern California to mid-Vancouver Island — requires never-ending vigilance.

    Because of the risk of earthquakes and other threats to critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) — terrorist attacks, industrial accidents and other natural disasters — five Portland, Ore.-area counties collaborated beginning in 2006 to assess and identify the region’s critical infrastructure. Man-made or natural threats to CIKR could significantly disrupt government and business functions, and produce cascading effects far beyond the targeted sector and incident’s physical location, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

  • VN: HCMC needs infrastructure, training to become digital hub

    With HCMC seeking to become a digital powerhouse by 2030, experts say more investment is needed in infrastructure and training to improve its ability to adopt technology.

    City chairman Phan Van Mai said the aim is to become a smart city with modern services and industries by 2025, and a leader in the areas of digital economy, digital society and digital government by 2030.

    The digital economy will account for 25 percent of the economy by 2025 and 40 percent by 2030, more ambitious targets than the country’s.

  • Waiting game for Kenyan counties after fibre optic plan budget trimmed

    Counties outside the National Fibre Optic Backbone (NOFBI) will have to wait longer for connection following budget cuts for ICT infrastructure connectivity.

    Supplementary budget estimates from the National Treasury indicate the number of kilometres to be rolled out in Phase Two of the multi-billion-shilling project have been cut from 800km to 500km.

  • ZA: Partnerships ‘key’ to addressing ICT infrastructure challenges

    Government and private sector partnerships are key to addressing information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure challenges and realising Cape Town’s potential as Africa’s "Silicon Valley", business think-tank and leadership network facilitator Accelerate Cape Town said at the weekend.

    The city is seen by some as the technology hub of South Africa but ICT infrastructure challenges and the cost of broadband have been said to stifle the growth of the technology industry.

  • ZA: Smart Cities, Infrastructure and Highway upgrades on the way

    Addressing the 2021 State of the Nation Address (Sona), President Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed that his administration is conceptualizing a number of post-apartheid smart cities in provinces around the country.

    Ramaphosa said that these infrastructure projects form a key part of the government’s Covid-19 recovery plan.

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