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Montag, 17.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • Oman presses ahead with ambitious ‘Digital Society’ campaign

    Planning is in full swing for the second phase of an ambitious scheme to make every member of the community digitally literate following the successful completion of the first stage, the country’s IT authorities have announced coinciding with 'World Information Society (WIS) Day'.

    Measures are under way, in the meantime, to tackle two major impediments confronting the campaign — institutional bottlenecks and shortage of skilled manpower. Also, an ‘eOman Awareness Road Show’, which visited all the region's of the country from May 17 last year to February 17, 2007, is poised for its second stage soon that will be “more intensive and interactive.”

  • UK: IAP: i2010 report launch

    The Information Age Partnership’s (IAP) i2010 working group launched its major report "Delivering i2010: Ensuring the Right Conditions for an Innovative, Inclusive and Competitive UK Knowledge Economy”(pdf) on 9th May 2007, highlighting the need that Government, Industry and Academia must improve how they work together to ensure a strong UK economy or risk falling behind in the race for innovation and competitiveness. With major competitors such as China becoming increasingly innovative, the UK risks falling behind if these issues are not addressed. The UK must embrace a culture of continuous improvement in order to compete on the global stage.

  • USA: Demand for Public Information Is Surging

    At a time when critics accuse the federal government of excessive secrecy, the public's appetite for information is growing by leaps and bounds.

    Hits on government Web sites are soaring. Document requests under the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, have hit all-time highs. And online archives collecting everything from court decisions to spies' names are seeing vast growth in numbers of visitors.

  • Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft als Mega-Event

    Über die offizielle Schlusserklärung zum Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft (WSIS, 10. bis 12. Dezember) wird seit gestern noch einmal in Genf verhandelt. Gleich, ob ein Kompromiss über die Menschenrechte, globales Netzmanagement und die Finanzierung digitaler Brücken noch gelingt oder nicht, mit einem angeschlossenen Mediengipfel, einem vorab stattfindenden Forschungsgipfel des Cern und einem Alternativgipfel der zivilgesellschaftlichen Gruppen zu Kommunikationsrechten und Schweizer Gruppen wird der Gipfel zum Megaevent. Das WSIS-Beiprogramm umfasst über 300 Einzelveranstaltungen.
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