Heute 141

Gestern 946

Insgesamt 39524283

Sonntag, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

GU: Guam

  • GovGuam agencies tackle site requirement

    As of last Friday, every government of Guam agency is required by law to have a Web site containing all their forms, notice of any public meetings, and extensive information on their budget and organization.

    Of the more than 50 line agencies, about 80 percent had a Web site online as of Friday, according to the governor's office.

  • GovGuam must advance technology use

    As the new administration and Legislature assumes office in January and begins the process of fulfilling their mandates to the people of Guam, they will discover the opportunities and challenges of managing an organization as complex as GovGuam.

    Our new leaders will be working with an increasingly informed community that has access to technology at home, work and anywhere a smart phone has signal bars. They will also find a community that expects better access to government information and services, increased transparency and a government that zealously protects the privacy of their information.

  • Guam: Governor announces plans for rolling out e-government applications

    The local government's finally crossing the digital divide and moving with the wave of technology. Governor Felix Camacho announcing today plans to implement direct deposit throughout the line agencies of the government, starting with the Bureau of Budget Management and Research, the Department of Revenue & Taxation, the Governor's Office, and the Bureau of Planning.
  • Telemedicine available to Guam patients soon

    Those who cannot afford to travel off-island to seek medical expertise and treatments that are not available on Guam will soon have the option to just stay home and get the medical care that they need.

    Telemedicine technology will soon become part of Guam's medical landscape as the Guam Memorial Hospital gets ready for the installation of equipment that will connect long-distance points of care to points of need.

    Who says no good things are happening at GMH?

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