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Terrorism rates and environmental degradation are also at an all-time high. Aside from that, cybercriminals and malicious attackers are becoming more technologically savvy each day. Traditional defense mechanisms and technologies cannot adequately address these security concerns. This is where smart data-centric technologies can help.

In recent years, the term 'Smart city' has become quite popular. This refers to the development or urbanization of a locality based on the latest developments in technology. It is no surprise that traditional cities have already started becoming smarter with a range of digital public services and connected solutions for citizens and travelers.

However, many factors can influence the implementation of a smart city, such as the infrastructure, resources, level of development, the skills of the developers, the aspirations of the citizens, and their willingness to change. It is important to note that all of these factors may vary depending on the city and the country. Therefore, the term smart city can mean different things to different people.

Smart Cities and Traditional Defense Mechanisms

A traditional city administration is expected to protect the lives and assets of its residents. Unfortunately, many administrative bodies lag behind the latest technologies. This puts public assets, both physical and digital, at higher risk. The influx of migrants from other countries adds to the city's diversity and complexity to make matters even worse.

Terrorism rates and environmental degradation are also at an all-time high. Aside from that, cybercriminals and malicious attackers are becoming more technologically savvy each day. Traditional defense mechanisms and technologies cannot adequately address these security concerns. This is where smart data-centric technologies can help. The Importance of AI and IoT

Smart cities are getting smarter every day as new technologies and innovations are introduced. Each day, talented and innovative developers make breakthroughs in the head-turning technology field. The Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) play a key role in making cities smarter.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence refers to a technology that enables machines to think like humans and mimic their actions. Simply put, AI is any machine that tends to exhibit qualities or characteristics that can be compared to the human brain, such as problem-solving abilities, speech recognition, planning, and learning.

Internet of Things

Internet of Things can be compared to a city's veins that connect every dot. The devices in a smart city need to be interconnected to interact with one another and make the appropriate decisions to manage a megacity population's resources efficiently. This reduces the need for human-to-human and human-to-machine interaction.

How safe are smart cities?

Smart cities are generally considered to be safer and more secure than traditional ones. Technical solutions are used by the former to prevent security threats without compromising residents' right to privacy. With the introduction of GPS tracking systems and other faster information-sharing applications, moving around a city has become a lot easier.

Smart cities have the unique selling proposition of overcoming security vulnerabilities using data-driven insights. With a traditional city, it would be extremely difficult to ensure a higher level of security due to its complexity and diversity. As previously mentioned, conventional security measures are unlikely to handle the cacophony of residents, establishments, and assets.


Quelle/Source: CIO Applications, 12.05.2022

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