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Dienstag, 18.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
A new study has revealed a significant difference of opinion between state and independent schools over government IT policy.

The government is keen to shake up the way ICT is taught in schools and introduce more programming skills into the curriculum - with education secretary Michael Gove branding the current setup a "roadblock".

However, according to the British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA), not all schools agree on the direction in which the government is taking ICT.

While some 62 per cent of independent schools believe the government is on the right track, only a quarter of state schools feel the same way.

Furthermore, while only 70.5 per cent of state schools have an awareness of the government's ICT policy, 87 per cent of independent schools have an understanding of its aims.

Commenting on these figures, Ray Barker, the director of BESA, said: "The findings will not be good news to the government."


Quelle/Source: BCS, 16.05.2012

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