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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Armenia and Iran will explore the opportunities to create a joint smart city.

The issue was discussed during a meeting between Armenia’s acting Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan and an Iranian delegation led by Mehdi Eliassi, Vice President for Science and Technology, which also comprised Deputy Minister of Communications, Chairman of the Information Technology Organization Amir Nazemi Ashani, members of the Iranian Parliament, representatives of a number of large Iranian companies.

Weiterlesen: Armenia and Iran mull creation of a joint smart city

The Armenian government today approved the country’s Digitalization Strategy.

The executive says the development of high technologies plays a decisive role in the competitiveness, security and living standards of the state.

The strategy envisages digital transformation of the Government, the economy and the society through introduction and development of innovative technologies, cyber security, data policy and e-services and e-government systems, coordination of digitalization processes, creation of common standards and digital environment, as well as initiatives promoting the use of digital technologies in the private sector of the economy and the development and implementation of programs promoting the use of electronic tools by the public.

Weiterlesen: Armenia to go digital as government approves new strategy

Armenia is moving towards a more transparent, secure, unified and citizen-oriented cadastral system. To achieve this, digitizing cadastral archives is essential. Digital availability of cadastral information will enable better management of lands, documented rights and tenure security for all Armenians. The Cadastre Committee has requested Kadaster, The Netherlands' Land Registry and Mapping Agency, for support.

In Armenia there is currently no unified approach to archive cadastral and land registry records. The integrated cadastre on real estate has little ability to support management and assessment of lands and real estate, and the registration of the natural, economic and legal status of those lands. The Cadastre Committee (CC) plans to reform by introducing an advanced self-service and paperless system, based on electronic registration and information processes. This digital system will be one of the pillars of the new real estate cadastre.

Weiterlesen: Towards a Digitized Citizen-oriented Armenian Cadastre

The Penitentiary Service of Armenia had envisaged introducing the e-penitentiary electronic governance system (“Information Register for Detainees and Convicts”) under the 2019-23 Strategy on the Penitentiary and Probation Sectors of Armenia and the 2019-23 Action Plan in order to increase effectiveness of the activities of the Penitentiary Service, reduce document circulation and ensure effective, transparent and accountable governance in line with the trends for the development of innovative technologies, as reported the Public Relations Department of the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of Armenia.

Weiterlesen: Armenia Penitentiary Service launches actions to introduce e-penitentiary system

A new platform to facilitate the attraction of foreign investment - armenia.eregulations.org -was launched in Armenia, the press service of the Business Armenia Foundation reported on Friday.

It said the electronic platform was created with the funding of Austrian Development Agency in cooperation with Business Armenia and the United Nations Development Program

Weiterlesen: Business Armenia launches new platform to ease attraction of foreign investments

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