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Mittwoch, 29.01.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
With Ghana set to host the Can 2008 tournament, a little effort has been put in place to solve the poor internet connectivity problem which for some years now have been a headache to my internet users within the regional capitals.

The desemination of information via the internet and other ventures such as the e-commerce and e-governance is recieving less or little attention from the populace due to the bad nature of some internet service providers and companies.

With Ghana and some other african countries embracing the new digital divide through the internet a lot has to be done to flush out the every day occurance of congession on the internet superhigh way thereby making it less easy for ghanaians to access the internet.

Ghana telecom which happens to be the only telecom in west africa that has the access sat3 sub-marine fibre optic network is doing little or less in providing the cutting edge technology in internet connetivity. The company recently launched it ADSL state of the art broadband internet service but this service introduced into the Ghanaian market has been restricted to only some parts of the country.

Internet connectivity in some other countries offer a higher bandwidth that enables users to watch video stream live where ever but the picture in someother african countires such as kenya seem to be different with most of the mobile companies also venturing into the mobile internet service to help out the other internet serice providers.

An effort to get the chairman of the internet service providers association proved futile. The national regulator which is the NCA has also failed to keep theses internet service providers o their toes in up and doing what seems to be their resposibilty to deliver good internet provision to the end user fo the facility in Ghana.

Quelle/Source: AND, 17.10.2006

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