Heute 29

Gestern 702

Insgesamt 39764301

Sonntag, 5.01.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
18 government departments will now be added to Jordan's e-government network, according to the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology.

Six departments are already connected to the Wide Area Network, representing 650 users, but with the planned expansion up to 15,000 government employees will be able to access the network. The network is being managed by the E-Government Operations Centre at the National Information Technology Centre The aims of Jordan's e-government initiatives are to enhance the performance of government in terms of service provision, efficiency, accuracy, time and cost effectiveness, transparency, customer satisfaction and cross-governmental integration.

The new network will include the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Tourism, Civil Status and Passport Department, Land and Survey Department, Borders and Residency Department, General Intelligence Department, Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department, Income and Sales Tax Department and Civil Service Bureau.

According to Khaldoun Naffaa, Head of the E-Government Programme Management Office, the move will require the passage of supporting legislation, staff training and an external marketing campaign to build public awareness of new services. Civil servants will be supported by a call centre technical helpdesk, which will operate around-the-clock.

Quelle: Public Sector Technology & Management, 24.09.2004

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