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Sonntag, 2.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Director-General, Pension Transitional Arrangement Department (PTAD), Mrs Nellie Mayshak, yesterday said the federal government would soon commence a nationwide verification and biometric data capture exercise for all pensioners.

Speaking in Abuja at the opening of a sensitisation workshop for treasury funded parastatals and their pension boards of trustee, she also said government was committed to the welfare of its pensioners and would do all it takes to sanitise the system.

Nevertheless, she said the proposed exercise would help to establish a comprehensive, authentic and credible database of pensioners under the Defined Benefit Scheme (DBS) to ensure effective planning and management of pensions.

She added that the verification exercise had become inevitable as she did not inherit any valid database of pensioners, while exiting payroll system had issues.

Mayshak, however, said there had not been a single incident of misappropriation of pension funds since the inception of PTAD as there had been zero tolerance for corruption.

PTAD is mandated by law to oversee the payment and administration of pension in institutions not covered by the new contributory pensions scheme (CPS).

Accordingly, the departments within its supervision include the civil service pension, police pension, pensioner support service, information technology and corporate support services as well as Treasury Funded Parastatals Pension.

She noted that verification exercise is expected to among other things, eliminate ghost pensioners, and halt the duplication of payments; Correct and eradicate anomalies such as over payments and under payments; pay pensions, gratuities, death benefits and other pensioner entitlements; update records of next of kins; and enrol new pensioners.

She said PTAD had also succeeded in establishing a robust complaints resolution mechanism which had improved services to pensioners.

Nothing that there were still huge unfunded pensions liabilities, the Director General said efforts would be made to fund such deficits once a credible database system had been established.

She added that efforts to digitalise the pension services was well on course.

According to her: “The ingredients for realising the president’s dream are in place and include commitment to benchmark management systems and processes, introduction of information technology to drive pension processes – move away from manual processes, commitment to pensioners’ welfare as well as consultations and partnership with all critical stakeholders.”


Autor(en)/Author(s): James Emejo

Quelle/Source: THISDAY Live, 06.08.2014

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