Heute 414

Gestern 1324

Insgesamt 39658288

Dienstag, 8.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Developers of an R30 billion green smart city in outer west Durban say the first phase of construction is progressing well.

The 2 000 hectare project is called Westown, with officials saying it will be the most sustainable development in the country.

The first phase includes residential apartments, the retail high street of Westown Square and a hospital.

"The intention is to create 20 000 homes an integrated housing development, so it caters for all the markets," developer Carlos Correia of Fundamentum Group told Newswatch at the site on Thursday.

"Our first priority is now the retail component and we have a hospital as well. The infrastructure is to be concluded by the end of December 2024 provided we have nice dry weather, we don't have any of those challenges.

"Westown Square will open most probably by early 2025 and the hospital most probably open by the end of 2025."


Autor(en)/Author(s): Steve Bhengu

Quelle/Source: East Coast Radio, 19.05.2023

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