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Insgesamt 39531702

Samstag, 14.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Smart City project is going on to make Srinagar a smart city. Under which development work is being done in different areas. In this series, noise monitoring system has been installed under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Smart City Project. This is an important step to reduce noise pollution and its harmful effects in crowded areas.

The system operates through a series of strategically deployed sensors equipped to continuously monitor and record noise levels at various locations in the city. This is designed to capture real-time data, providing invaluable insight into the patterns and sources of noise pollution.

The collected data serves as a fundamental resource for city planners and policy makers to take informed decisions to curb noise pollution and many other projects. This is an important step towards addressing the adverse effects of excessive noise pollution in urban environments.


Quelle/Source: International News and Views, 22.03.2024

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