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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Authority thinking how to increase last mile connectivity with people in rural areas through business correspondents

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which is mandated to issue a unique identification number to the citizens of India, is setting up a UIDAI Biometrics Centre of Competence for research on the chances of fingerprint and patterns in the iris to change over a period of time.

Speaking in the Financial Inclusion Conclave, 2014, organised by Sun & Bradstreet along with State Bank of India and Shriram Capital, Ashok Dalwai, deputy director general - Bangalore Region, UIDAI, said that the Biometrics Centre would collaborate with other international centres to study on the technologies.

The idea for the centre is still under discussion and it would be coming up in Bangalore, he said to the reporters in the sidelines of the meeting. While the general conception is that the finger print or the iris patterns would not change, the centre has to study it further to collect the data.

He added that the Authority is also thinking of how to increase the last mile connectivity with the people in the rural area through the business correspondents. This would ensure financial inclusion as well as reduce the leakage of subsidies and benefits offered by the government to the eligible citizen.

R Thyagarajan, founder and chairman of Shriram Group, who was addressing the conclave, said that the promoting entrepreneurship is the ideal way for better financial inclusion and command and control as part of regulation is killing entrepreneurship.

He said that the institutions like chit funds and the micro finance institutions has contributed considerably to the financial inclusion and it was the entrepreneurship by a few individuals were majorly responsible for the financial inclusion.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Gireesh Babu

Quelle/Source: Business Standard, 28.01.2014

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