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Saturday, 20.04.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

From the threat of trade wars, the pandemic to continued technological disruption, government and businesses around the world are coping with an uncertain and volatile landscape. The Russo-Ukraine war is likely to further strain supply chains even as we emerge from the pandemic. An aging demographic profile is likely to place stress on productivity growth for small countries like Singapore.

Amid this disruption, Singapore has positioned itself as a centre of innovation and research and development at the heart of the world’s most dynamic economic region. The Singapore government in the last few years launched a few industry transformation maps to proactively support enterprises in Singapore by equipping them with resources to realise their business goals while addressing the above challenges.

Singapore is succeeding in creating a conducive environment to attract innovative ways for industries to thrive, as it leverages on technology to fulfil its vision to become a Smart City. In this context, more enterprises are embarking on outcome based contracts to address some of the above challenges. In a similar vein, the design of control room can no longer be centred on systems and the physical design aspects, it has to adopt a process driven and quantifiable approach to address operational effectiveness and efficiencies in its design.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Alvin Chan

Quelle/Source: Linked In, 23.04.2022

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