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Sunday, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
New Zealand businesses have won three World Summit Awards, which recognise the world's best e-content and applications.

The awards, backed by the United Nations, select five winners for each of the eight categories, from entries from 100 countries.

Wellington firm Gibson Group won in the e-culture and heritage category for its multimedia touchscreen display designed to tell Copenhageners about their city and let them add to the story.

Dunedin's Areograph was recognised in the e-business and commerce field for its online service that lets people create 3-D models of objects and environments using digital photos.

A computer game to combat depression developed by the Health Ministry, Auckland University and Auckland company Metia Interactive won in the e-health and environment section.

The awards celebrate technology that benefits society and adds value to the originating country.


Quelle/Source: Stuff, 04.06.2011

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