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Freitag, 27.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Serbian Ministry of Culture and Media said that that Microsoft as the Serbian government's strategic partner would use all available resources to implement the e-government project in Serbia. Minister of Culture and Media Branislav Lecic and President of Microsoft Steve Balmer, President of Microsoft for Europe Jean-Philippe Courtois agreed at the recently held conference on e-government that legalisation process of Microsoft software in Serbia would continue. The e-government solutions have been verified across the world, the statement reads.

Microsoft organised a conference on e-government in Rome from Sept 15 to 17, 2003, where they said that e-government would serve as one of the foundations for society's transformation and economy's revitalisation. The e-government project should result in better efficiency as well as providing better service to the citizens and enterprises, which will ultimately create conditions for upgrading citizens' standards and growth of local economies.

Quelle: Serbia Info

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